Prior to your first visit with us, please be sure to bring your current eyeglasses or contact lenses, a list of the medications you are taking, photo ID, as well as all of your insurance information. Depending on your specific needs, your initial visit will last approximately one to two hours. During this first visit, we will record your medical history and information, and perform all of the tests we need to get a complete picture of your ocular health. After our tests, we will discuss the results with you, as well as how treatments should proceed.
Please note that these tests may require us to dilate your pupils, which will make your eyes sensitive to light, and will distort your vision slightly. These effects are normal, and usually subside within a few hours. You should plan to bring something to shield the sun from your eyes after your appointment, such as sunglasses or a wide-brimmed hat. Many of our patients also bring someone to drive them home.
New Patient Forms
For your convenience, you may download, print and fill out the following forms and bring them in to your next appointment:
These forms require Adobe Acrobat Reader to view. If you do not have Adobe Reader already installed on your computer, click the Adobe logo to download.